
The Spanish navy has installed a complete LED-based interior lighting system to extend battery time and reduce snorkelling time to recharge the batteries of S80 submarines.

The system, which was developed by Spain’s navy and LINKSrechts, offers calculated power savings of up to 75%, which comes from reduced cooling costs from the air conditioning and the lower power consumption of the interior lighting.

The main advantages of the LINKSrechts system are reduced power consumption, light fixtures with a lifetime of more than 80,000hrs, mounting without shock mounts, reduced weight and sizes and huge savings in terms of life-cycle costs and return of investment.

The highlight of the system is Kelvin-shifting. With new light fixtures and software applications, light colours can be changed to influence sailors’ body rhythms, making underwater life more comfortable.

LINKSrechts has delivered 16 submarine interior lighting systems for navies worldwide. LINKSrechts is a specialist in handling shock and vibration and EMC/EMI criteria, especially for military applications.