In a move to bolster the capabilities of its coastal troops, Finland’s Minister of Defence, Antti Häkkänen, has authorized the procurement of 17 Jurmo-class landing craft along with spare parts.

The acquisition, valued at €25.5m ($27.8m), will ensure the maintenance and development of coastal troop mobility until the end of the 2030s.

With this acquisition, the Finnish Defence Forces will access enhanced resources for amphibious operations, further fortifying the nation’s coastal defence capabilities.

Marine AluTech Oy AB, a Finnish maritime technology company, has been awarded the contract to deliver the Jurmo-class landing craft. In 2020, the Finnish Navy relaunched a refurbished Jurmo-class landing craft.

The Jurmo-class landing craft is known for its versatility and performance in challenging coastal environments. Designed to operate in shallow waters, these vessels enable rapid troop deployment and logistical support. Equipped with navigation systems, the landing craft ensures the safety and effectiveness of coastal operations.

Finland has increased its defence spending as it has joined NATO. The increased defence budget from Finland has also been driven by geopolitical tensions and the need for advanced defence capabilities in the face of a growing threat from neighbouring Russia.

By investing in these vessels, the Finnish Defence Forces aim to enhance operational readiness and safeguard the nation’s territorial integrity.

The acquisition will enable the Defence Forces to maintain a strong presence along the Finnish coast and respond to potential threats or crises, thus ensuring the nation’s security and stability.

As Finland continues strengthening its defence capabilities, procuring the Jurmo-class landing craft represents a step in the nation’s quest for enhanced coastal troop mobility and readiness.